NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release Aug. 23, 2003 Office of the Premier PREMIER'S STATEMENT FOR VICTIMS OF THE KELOWNA FIRE VICTORIA -"Today residents and families across B.C. are being confronted by the incredible destructive force of nature and by enormous personal losses. On behalf of all British Columbians, I want to offer our heartfelt sympathy to all who have lost their homes and property in the face of the raging fires. "I know the people of the province who have not been directly touched by these unprecedented conditions have and will continue to provide their support to assist fire victims in getting through these terrible times. "Government will do what it must to provide support and care for those whose homes, treasures and businesses have been affected by these fires. We will continue to work with federal, regional and local governments to help restore the quality of life for all who have lost their homes and possessions. "I want to specifically thank all British Columbians who have been asked to leave their homes in these perilous circumstances for their courage and their co-operation. My genuine thanks also goes to all the volunteer service agencies, emergency personnel and of course our incredible firefighters for all that each of you have done. Your efforts are truly heroic." Media contact: Mike Morton Press Secretary to the Premier 250 213-8208 Visit the province's Web site at for online information and services.